The ABC's of Blogs and Wikis


Creative Minds                           To Writing Centers

 . . . A Wiki for writers who collaborate to create great writing!


The ABC's of Blogs and Wikis

This collaborative writing project will give you a chance to summarize what you know about blogs and Wikis.



Guidelines for collaborative writing projects:

* Meet your deadline!

* All members of your group must participate in contributing to the writing project.

* Each person(s) in your group must have a responsibility:

        - Group facilitator (keep the group on task!)

        - editor (click edit page to begin; only one person at a time can edit a wiki page)

        - reader (read out loud any content that all must hear)

        - brainstormers (generate ideas)

        - conventions monitors (check for clarity, spelling, etc.)

Each time you participate in a collaborative writing project, you must have a different role!


  How to begin:


1. Add a word, phrase, or sentence that summaries what you know about blogs and wikis for each letter of the alphabet.

A Active



C Collaborative



E Everyone can access it



G Good for all ages



I Inclusive, Interactive



K Knowledge gained, knowledge shared



L Learning tool


M Motivational


N Navagation


O Ongoing


P Parallel


Q Quick


R Responsive, Recent


S Social


T Technology for 21st century






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